Random Thoughts

I’ll Tell You No Lies

I’ve listened to and told stories all of my life.  My dad was my original story teller.  He spoke from experience and recounted memories from growing up and living life.  He was a simple man with simple tastes.  He was honest in all of his dealings and he loved children.

I became a story teller because of him.   I loved listening to him and family members recount “remember when” events.   Eventually, I  started to tell my own stories and retold stories that I’d heard from others.   Early on I discovered that is was best to tell true stories.   If I told a lie, I’d have the remember what lie I told and who I told it to.  If I told the truth (as I remembered it)  I could tell the same story to anyone who cared to listen.

I’ve told my stories for three main reasons: to make a point, to entertain, and to insure that the story being told became a part of my personal history.   As I move forward with this blog, I promise that I’ll Tell You No Lies.