Life Lessons


Well over 30 years ago, I visited one of my college friends, Mike, in California. We visited several places: Pebble Beach, explored Wine Country, tasted sushi for the first and last time, and visited a coffee house – Starbucks. Mike told me that Starbucks was a new franchise business opportunity.

I said, “Who is going to want to get into the coffee selling business? There are already a lot of mom and pop coffee shops throughout the country.” Looking back, several people did.

The first time I heard about bottled water, I said, “Who’s going to pay for something they can get for free.” It turned out that even I do.

My friend, Jim, and I got into a discussion one day about cell phones. Neither of us had one, but lots of other people did. We noted people everywhere talking on their phones. I eventually got one for work so people could get in touch with me when I was out of the office. Jim and I continued to marvel at the number of people who had the devices. We discussed buying stock in cell phone companies. Jim may have. I didn’t.

I don’t know about you, but I expect you have had similar experiences in life. That’s what life is – a series of experiences and opportunities lost or gained throughout the years. My joys exceed my sorrows, but I do have a few coulda, woulda and shouldas in my past.

The true test is enjoying where you are and what you have. Many of us “wish” for something new, but the winners are those who “do” something to improve their lot in life, to make a difference in the lives of others, and rejoice in where they are and what they have. Change requires action. Wishing is not action – doing is.