

Treaming is a new word I recently created.  It’s a combination of Thinking and Dreaming.  I went with Treaming rather than Dhinking for what I hope are obvious reasons.

Treaming is that place where you wonder if you are thinking or dreaming.  Mine always takes place in bed where I should be sleeping but I find myself thinking, or dreaming, and I’m not sure if I am engaged in one or the other.  Thus, I must be Treaming.  I’m sure you’ve been there a time or two in your life.  It’s a state of uncertainty.  Am I dreaming  this or am I thinking this?

Over the years I’ve Treamt about my parents, my marriage, my children, my grandchildren, my golf game, trips, hobbies, and hundreds of other topics.  Some were positive, some were worrisome, some just were.

I find myself in this place when I have a lot on my mind.   When I was working in what I call my “real job” (school superintendent), it occurred almost nightly.  Negotiations, irate parents, teacher evaluations, bond issues, athletics, public relations, board members, state mandates, federal mandates, bus drivers, custodians, snow days, food service, budgets, oh yea – and children. Since I’ve retired, and become more relaxed in my daily life, Treaming occurs with less regularity.

Recently, the development of this blog has increased the number of nights I Tream.  I’m not really sure that declaring Treams appear at night is correct as I am more inclined to believe that it occurs in the morning.  I think I Tream more within the hour I actually wake up.  If I wake up more than once in a night – and I do – I have more Treams.  Perplexing.

In any case, sometimes I am able to reach conclusions – determine a course of action – when I Tream.  Other times, I just Tream.

I think the primary difference between a Dream and a Tream is built around fantasy.  My dreams tend to be fantasy, while Treams are more real.   For example, I never walked to school without my pants on (Dream) but I have been other places I shouldn’t have been without my pants on (Tream).   I expect that you’ve had similar experiences – pants/no pants – crossroads in your life.  I’m not asking for a confession, just personal reflection.

Sweet Treams.


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