
Out of the Mouth of Babes – Brady

I have two grandchildren.   Both are healthy, bright, and fun to be around. I enjoy teaching them things and I have learned from them as well.  Here are a few stories (all true) about my grandson, Brady.

When Brady was being “potty trained” he received a jellybean when he accomplished his mission successfully. One day, upon leaving the bathroom myself, he was waiting and asked, “Did you go potty?” When I said yes, he replied, “You get a jellybean!”  That was the best jellybean I ever tasted.  Delicious.

During a family gathering the two and half year-old Brady climbed to the top of a stool and addressed his subjects: mom, dad, Nana, TGO, a family friend and his Aunt BZ. He pointed first to Aunt BZ and said, “State your problem!”  Surprised by the question, BZ said nothing.  He then moved on to our friend, “State your problem”.   Still no response. Finally, Brady pointed to his mother, “State your problem!” Mom replied, “My problem is I have a two-year-old who thinks he’s thirty-two.”

Brady learned to speak at an early age. He had an extensive vocabulary and knew how and when to use his words correctly. While at a nature center with Nana, three-year-old Brady surprised the college student sitting next to him at a presentation discussing animals that lived on the grounds of the center. When the presenter used the word “herbivore”, Brady said “that’s a plant eater”, when she asked if he knew what a carnivore was, he said “that’s a meat eater”. Finally, she said, “What do they call an animal that eat both plants and meat?”  True to form Brady said, “Omnivore”. The college student was astonished. Nana was just proud.

On a car trip to take Brady to his other grandparents’ house, three-and-a-half-year-old Brady started to offer directions.  He told me to take “Hatch to Fawn”.  When I asked for clarification and said, “Hatch to Fawn?”   Brady replied, “No, TGO. Not Fawn –Fawn“.  Once again, I sought clarification, “Brady did you say Fawn?”  Again, the reply came, “NO! I said, “FAAWWN!”

We both were getting frustrated, Brady because I couldn’t understand his directions, and me, because I couldn’t understand my grandson.  Just as I was going to ask one more time, I saw the road sign for Thorne Road.   I tried one more time.  “Brady did you say Hatch to Thorne?”   His emphatic reply was fired back immediately, “Yes, TGO!  That’s what I have been telling you …Fawn”.   One man’s Thorne is another man’s Fawn.

One day Nana bought Brady a “just because” gift at the local store.  During the checkout Brady appeared a bit nervous.   After exiting the story Brady said, “That was a close one.”  When Nana asked Brady what he meant, Brady replied, “Nana, that game said for ages 8 – up.”  Five-year-old Brady thought they had pulled off a purchasing caper that had gone unnoticed by store personnel.

During the summer of his fifth year, Nana and Brady spent much of their time in search of the perfect ice cream cone. They explored different flavors, vendors, and both soft and conventional ice cream textures. It was a mission of exploration, bonding, and just plain fun. Brady and Nana agreed the best bite of any of the ice cream cones they tried was the last bite.

One day after another exploration of a particularly good ice cream, Brady offered Nana his last bite. When she asked Brady why he wanted her to have his last bite, Brady replied, “Because, I love you, Nana.”

That’s what love is all about – sharing moments with those who are closest to you.

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