Current Events

Last Minute Changes


Everyone’s life is affected by last minute changes.   I know many people who just don’t like change of any kind.  Days, weeks, months, perhaps years are planned on constants. Tacos on Tuesday and the local fish fry on Friday are a way of life.  Annual vacations, or family visits, are etched into calendars years in advance.  Plans are made and followed.  Period.

Some things are expected to change.  The weather in Michigan is a great example.  One day it’s cold and snowy, the next it’s warm so the snow melts, and on the third day the snow returns.

Last minute changes are the curve balls of life.  One second you are looking straight ahead on a very specific course, and in the time that it takes to snap your fingers, life breaks in another direction.  Some of the changes are monumental like the beginning of a life or the death of a friend.  You know they are coming one day, but their actual arrival may be unexpected.  It’s the unexpected curve that gets you.

Ruth and I were thrown a series of minor curves last Tuesday.  We’ve been planning a trip from Orlando, Florida to Palm Springs, California for several months.  The trip was planned so that we could spend some time with our “Arizona kids”  (Elizabeth and Sutton) and our “California kids” (Michael and Kate) for January 23 – 30.  Palm Springs was the “go to” meeting place for everyone.

Our flight to Palm Springs took us through Minneapolis where we would change planes.  Our 7:00 a.m. flight required us to rise at 3:00 a.m.  Ruth awoke at 2:30 a.m. and began her day a bit early.  When I awoke at 3:00 she was already in the shower.   On cue, like a higher power was sending me a message, I received a text from the airline indicating our flight had been delayed eight hours – until 3:00 p.m.  That was our first curve.

The text suggested I check the airline website for further updates.  I am not a “text truster”, so I logged into the website which indicated  our flight was scheduled to leave “on-time”.  Something was amiss.  The “texter” was lying or the website was incorrect.  I decided to go to plan C. I called the airline knowing  full well  no one would answer and I would be listening to a recording.  As expected, the voice on the other end of the phone was recorded.  The voice said, “We are sorry for any inconvenience but winter storms are causing flights to be delayed throughout the country.”  And then – surprise of all surprises – “Press one if you’d like to speak to an honest to goodness real, live person who may be able to assist you during this turbulent time in your life.”   So I pressed one.  As God is my witness, a real person came on the line.

We talked.  If Ruth and I left at 3:00 p.m. (The “texter” was correct) we would spend the night on our own in Minneapolis.  “That’s probably not a good option, so please stay on the line.”  All I heard next was music.  I stayed on the line.  She came back on and asked, “Can you fly tomorrow?”

“If I’m not flying today, I can fly tomorrow.”

“In that case Mr. Tebo, I can book you through Salt Lake City where you’ll change planes and then travel on to Palm Springs.  You’ll leave tomorrow, January 24, from Orlando and arrive at 12:05 in Palm Springs.”

“Book it.”  Now I had to let Ruth know.  When I looked back in on her, she was dressed and putting on her make-up.  I told her of the change in plans.  I went back to bed but it took about 38 seconds for me to fall asleep.   She was up for the duration.

I sprung out of bed at 7:45 because I had other plans to make.   A day’s delay was about to throw a “curve” to three more people.  I sent a text to Elizabeth, Sutton and Mike to let them know of our change of travel plans.  Our change caused me to cancel a tee time at a golf course in Palm Springs that I had made for the three of them and me.  We couldn’t be there in time.

After exchanging texts with the kids, I called the golf course.  I explained my issue to the girl in the pro shop.   I gave her my name and tee time and told her that we needed to cancel.   She said, “OK.  I’m going to put you on hold and I’ll be right back with you.”

She came back on the line and said, “Ok, I have you canceled”.  I asked if she had a confirmation number for the cancelation.  She replied, “I’ve sent you an email Mr. Jensen.   This will serve as proof of cancelation.  Do you have any more questions?”

“Yes, who’s Mr. Jensen? I’m   Robert Tebo and I am canceling my 10:37 tee time on the Desert Course.”

“Oh, dear. That’s not good.  I’ll be right back on the line.  Please hold.”

She returned to the line once again.  “OK, I have you canceled and I’ll send a cancelation notice to your email.”  (I’m still waiting for that email.)

“What about Mr. Jensen?” I inquired.  “He’s not going to like it he shows up with no tee time.”

“I put him right back in so he’ll be all set.”  (Poor Mr. Jensen.   I hope that everything worked out for him or he had some last minute changes and a major curve.)

Moving on, I needed to reschedule the luxury vehicle I had reserved.   I got a last-minute deal at $190.00 for the week and I needed to move my arrival back by one day.

When I called the rental car company, I explained my flight had been rescheduled do to a weather issue in Minneapolis.  My arrival would be moved back one day, but my departure would remain the same.

“I’ll be happy to help you with that sir.  Now let’s take a look at your reservation.  OK, now I have it.  To be clear sir, you will be canceling this reservation and making a new one.  Is that correct?”

“What I really want to do is keep the same car, and the same rate, and just use the car one less day.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t have any luxury vehicles available tomorrow.”

“Why not.  It’s there for me to pick up today – correct?”

“Yes, sir, but it won’t be available tomorrow.”

“It will if you just pull it off to the side and leave it for me.   The only difference between today and tomorrow is I’m not going to be there today.  I will be there tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but since you won’t be here to pick up the vehicle today, I can’t hold it for you.  You’ll need to cancel and make a new reservation for tomorrow.”

“Will I receive the same $190.00 rate tomorrow?”

“Let me take a look.   The best rate   I have for tomorrow is for an intermediate size vehicle at $295.00.  Will that be acceptable?”  (Another curve on the playing field of life.)

“Let’s make sure I have everything correct before moving on.  I am not going to be able to get the same car at the same rate, however, I can get a smaller car at a rate increased by $105.00 as long as I use it one less day.”

“That’s the best I can do sir.   Would you like me to reserve it for you?”

“What choice do I have?  Yes, book it, and then I’ll see if I can get a better rate on my own.  If I can, I’ll cancel.”

“Very well, sir.   Here’s your confirmation number and I will email a copy to you as well.”


Well, it turns out I did get a better rate.  I canceled “the guy on the phone reservation” and reserved another car for $10.00 less or $285.00 for those of you who are keeping track.

We traveled the next day and everything went right on schedule until we reached Palm Springs.  As we approached the rental car line we joined a total of approximately 1,000,000 people waiting in line for the same company I booked.  I left Ruth in line as I approached a nice man waiting at about the 500,000 post.

“How long have you been in line?”  I asked.

“About an hour.” He replied.  (My spontaneous calculations told me we were looking at a two hour wait.)

I looked to my right and saw a company with no line.   I asked if they had vehicles available and, if so, what was the best rate.

“Our best rate would be on a pick-up truck for $335.00.”

“No thanks.”  I moved on to another lineless company.

I made the same inquiry with the next vendor.

“I have an intermediate size vehicle available at a rate of $280.00”

“Book it.”  (I saved $5.00 and two hours)

After several last minute changes, we arrived at our rental in Palm Springs.  Our place is beautiful.   It’s serving us well.


We did receive one more curve.  We were told that our swimming pool would not be heated.  It is!  This proves that some  last minute changes  are wonderful.

Another cocktail please.