Career lessons

Driver’s Education

Teachers take a bad rap for having several weeks off in the summer.   The misconception that teachers have it made because of their short work schedule is far from accurate.   Most educators take summer classes, make plans for the next school year, or take on additional part-time/seasonal  jobs.   I did all of the above.

While I was completing my teaching degree, I started taking classes to become a driver’s education instructor.  After I was hired for teaching position in Plainwell, I worked to complete my certification by taking evening and Saturday classes.

I landed a driver’s ed job in Plainwell. (This was a position in addition to my regular teaching duties.)  I joined several other Plainwell teachers and we did our best to provide quality instruction.   I expect that every driver’s ed teacher has volumes of stories and experiences to share but the two that I chose to share in this story deal with (please excuse the expression) boobs.

When we took students out on the road we drove in a number of different situations.   We drove rural roads, expressways, city traffic (it was the first time that some of my students had been to Kalamazoo), and made sure that each student experienced each of these situations.   We typically took three students on a trip and had them drive in thirty minute intervals. At the end of each ninety minute drive, we’d take a short break and head back out with another group.

One day on a “country drive” my car and crew came around a bend in the dirt road.  I saw a lady on a steep banked hill hanging her laundry.  Her laundry line was about twenty feet above the surface of the road. It was a bright, warm day and this young woman chose to complete her task dressed only in a pair of yellow panties. (She must have had a lot of dirty laundry.) I took this opportunity to softly apply the passenger side brake to slow down  the car, bending over in the seat to get a better view, and pretending to have a leg cramp.   The leg cramp was my excuse to applying the brake.  The student driver and two passengers were oblivious to what was happening.  Opportunity was knocking and I chose to answer the door.

When we completed our drive, and returned to school, I told the other instructors of my experience.  The all male staff listened intently.  As we set out with our next group of students, five or six driver ed instructors decided to take their “county drive” and a caravan of cars went out the check out the laundry lady in the yellow panties.   Unfortunately, she had completed her task and the caravan split up to go our separate ways.

When you work with students on the art of backing out of a parking space, you teach them to place their right arm on the back of the seat, then turn their shoulder and  head so that they  are looking out of the rear of the vehicle over that right  shoulder.   You must be flexible to make the proper turn.  As the instructor you do just the opposite.   You turn to your left so that you are seeing the same scene from your left side.   You are more restricted as you simply turn your head because the student has his/her arm on the seat’s back.

One day I had a girl and two boys in the car and we were making the final change for the day.   The girl was assuming her role as the final driver.  She had to back out of a parking space following the procedure that I have outlined.  She was wearing a halter top and as she made her turn, I followed with mine.   I found myself nose to nip with a fifteen year, eight month old boob.  She had popped out of her halter top as she made her move.  She was unaware of her exposure and I was stuck with a dilemma.  Do I tell her what’s happened or do I just hope that self discovery takes its proper course.  I chose the self discovery option.  (I suppose I could have tucked it back in but that would have been too bold.)

I quickly turned to my right, away from the girl, as she backed the car out.  Once she had the car moving forward I looked out of the corner of my eye to see if everything was back where it belonged.  It was.  As we continued our drive back to school I started to chuckle.   I was amused by the situation and unsure if the boob had popped back into place or if the young lady had discovered her exposure and rearranged things herself.   The more I pondered the question, the more amused I was.  I tried as best I could to stop laughing, but I couldn’t.   I assume that she knew what was going on, however, neither of us said a word other than good-bye at the end of the day.

Two things for sure… My driver’s education instructors never discussed the possibility that I  would encounter ladies in yellow panties hanging their summer laundry or halter top malfunctions in any of my classes.   You often learn more on the job than you do in the classroom.





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