When I retired from my real job, I had one simple goal. Avoid shoveling snow.
Ruth and I purchased a home in Florida and head that way each fall. We left last Tuesday and arrived late Friday night. Our first planned stop was in Williamstown, Kentucky at the Ark Experience. While I expected to see the story of Noah and the Ark, I received more than I anticipated. It’s an impressive structure. If you’ve never been, you should go sometime. It’s an easy stop, just off of I-75.
I am not a religious man. I consider myself to be spiritual but I don’t go to church on a regular basis. I did when I was younger, but no longer. The exhibit at the Ark Experience does a nice job of explaining both the scientific and biblical version of the creation and focuses on Noah and the Ark. There are several religious manuscripts on display. No matter what your thoughts are regarding how mankind has evolved over the years, you’ll gain some insight through your visit.
The Ark Experience was the highlight of our journey but we took several side trips to explore the local culture along the way. Here’s a taste.
- We took at quick peek at Richmond, Kentucky. You shouldn’t feel like this is a “must see”. It isn’t.
- We stopped to visit a couple of antique retailers. We didn’t buy but one guy did admit that “one man’s junk is another man’s antique”.
- We found a store owned by an American Indian gentleman that sells “only things that are made locally”. Turns out that we were in an area that has a large Amish community living near the Indian gentleman.
- Jams, jellies, lotions, and soap were the main stays of the local manufacturing community.
- We visited and took pictures of a couple of babbling brooks. Very pretty.
- We visited Ashville, North Carolina and I determined that if you live there you must have a dog or a small child. It’s preferable to have both. Oh, and yes, the 8,000 acre Biltmore Estate is located there. The estate features the largest privately owned house in the United States with 178,926 square feet of floor space and 135,280 square feet of living area. I didn’t see a “she shed” or a “man cave” but there must be at least one of each.
- We learned that the handmade basket that we bought in 1972 for $30.00 is worth $450.00 today.
- We also learned that candy stores don’t sell blackjacks any longer. They do sell black taffy.
- My most interesting discovery is that “moonshine” now comes in “peach” and “root
beer”. I know this because I own a bottle of each.
- And finally, I determined that you can drive all the way from Cherokee, North Carolina to The Villages, Florida on highway 441, but you shouldn’t.
Have a good winter!! Only a small amount of shoveling for me?
Hoe we get to see you guys while you are down here this year!
Hope we get to see you guys while you are down here this year!