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Updates From Palm Springs


The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens

Ruth, Kate, Michael and I made a visit to The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens on Saturday night.  A good time was had by all.  I expected to see “lights” but many of the animals were out and about as well.  There were many families with young children and I was reminded of similar excursions that Ruth and I took with our three kids many years ago. I was happy that Mike and Kate had joined us.  Good times.

The folks in charge of the display did a great job.  Many of the light exhibits danced to Christmas music.   We purchased two pair  of “Magic Christmas Glasses”  (my designation).  Michael is wearing a pair.  One pair makes all of the lights look like reindeer and the second makes them look like snowflakes.   If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.

And, yes, we saw the jaguar and his hairball is gone.  (Please refer to my prior post for further explanation.)

Bras and T-Shirts

A word of caution.   This portion of my blog may be too risqué for some. Reader beware.

We last visited Palm Springs this past January.  I wrote a blog about the inequity in this area’s shoe availability.  Women have a far – waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far – greater number of shopping selections then men.  That post was called Dress to Excess and explored, in part, shoe sales in the Coachella Valley.

We have access to a hot tub where we are staying.   I didn’t pack a bathing suit so Ruth and I  went to the neighborhood Target to purchase one.  I cut through the woman’s department on my way to the men’s department and lost my way in – of all places – the bra department.  I’m not a regular in this area of Target, so perhaps what I discovered here is typical throughout the entire country.   I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I had a flash back to my Palm Springs shoe experience.

IMG_20181201_105019433I couldn’t help myself, so I started counting the rack upon rack  (no pun intended) of bras.  I counted twenty-seven racks (please see prior comment).  There were twenty-four bras on each of the racks which meant that there were 648 bras of various colors, shapes and sizes on display.  I never knew that such a variety existed.

I pondered this statistic for a moment and wondered what garment in the men’s IMG_20181201_105146442.jpgdepartment might be comparable to a bra.   The closest thing that I could come up with was a t-shirt, so I headed that way to make what I thought would be a fair comparison.  I found one meager display rack with 19 different packages of t-shirts.

While I fully understand that bras are not one of those “one size fits all” garments, how on earth does our society need such a selection?   I know that they have only two purposes, to support and inspire, so I can’t imagine why women get so many choices.

Before my female readers question my observation, please understand that my comments are focused on “undergarments”.   I know that there are gazillions of t-shirts available to all of us, but most are designed to display our individuality.  I believe that the bras and t-shirts that I saw in Target are intended to be worn, for the most part, as undergarments.

Please understand, I have nothing against bras.  In fact there was about a six or seven year period, starting in my late teens through my early twenties, when I was kind of an amateur expert on bras.   My area of expertise was ………….  Those days are long gone.