
Girls or Whiskey and Horses

I have an item on my bucket list that, hopefully, will be fulfilled.   I’d like to sing a duet with my son, Michael.   It first hit my list several years ago in Las Vegas.   Ruth and I  were there with all three kids, their then girlfriends/boyfriends, a couple of the kids’ friends, and our friends, Jim and Diane.  We went to the then Barbary Coast and sang karaoke.

That was the first and last time that I sang karaoke.  Elizabeth signed me up to sing Kenny Roger’s “The Gambler”.  She sang backup for me on the number and I enjoyed my time in the spotlight.   That’s the first time that I’d heard Michael sing since he graduated from high school.   I knew he could sing, but he sang George Michael Montgomery’s “Sold”  exceptionally  well that night.  I also learned that  “Sold” was his “go to” karaoke song in college.

Singing when you have had too much to drink makes everyone sound better, and while we may have had too much to drink, I think that the accolades that Michael and I  received from the crowd that night were well deserved.

Three other notable events took place that night. In no particular order of importance.

  1. Michael bought a round of Jagerbombs for the group and that almost did me in.  (My forehead sweat for two days.)
  2. One of the kids friends over drank and fell asleep in a bathroom stall.  He was escorted out by security.
  3. After Ruth and I called it a night, David took issue with a heckler that was taking verbal shots at his brother’s second song.  The heckler objected to David’s defense of his brother and a fight ensued.  (The heckler jumped David.)  The heckler was tossed and the “band played on”.

Quite a night.

Several years have passed since my karaoke debut.  I have given great thought to the song that I think I would like to sing with Michael.   I have focused on one of two options.  We should sing Toby Keith and Willie Nelson’s “Whiskey for My Men, Beer for My Horses” or Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson’s version of “To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before.”  In either case I would sing Willie Nelson’s part.

Listen to the two originals and let me know what you think.






3 thoughts on “Girls or Whiskey and Horses”

  1. I Think that you both should sing, to All The Girls I Have Loved Before,
    I think that would work for you both

  2. I’d never heard the first song ‘whiskey for my men, beer for the horses’ but loved it. I think that is the one you should do with your son. Rock on Robbie!

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