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Because I Can

Last spring I returned to Michigan before Ruth.   I had work to do and she wanted to continue her play time in Florida.  This year I’ve stayed a couple of weeks longer.

During one of the first few days of my return last year, I drove to the Hamilton area to watch my two grandchildren, Eva and Brady, play games on their respective athletic teams.

First, I drove to Holland where Brady was running track.  He ran the 800 and a leg of the 3200 relay for his middle school team.  The two and a half hour drive gave me time to think about what I had to do for the next week or so.  Brady and I spoke before the two races, and I could tell that he was happy to see me.  He finished third in his single event and his relay team finished first.

As soon as he crossed the relay finish line he ran over to me and said, “Ok, you can go to Eva’s game now.”

Eva was playing softball in Saugatuck.  David was one of the coaches of her team.  I arrived in the second inning and stayed for the remainder of the game.  I was there long enough to see her bat once from the left side, flip around to the right side for her second at bat, and return to the left side for her final swings. (She’s pretty amazing.)

After the game we piled into our separate cars and drove to Hamilton to watch Brady play baseball.  We arrived in time to see the last couple of innings.  They played until dark and his team won.   After the game I drove two and a half hours back home.    My excursion started at 1:30 in the afternoon and ended just before midnight.

A couple of days later I retold the story of my trip to see the kids to a friend and he asked, “Why did you do all that traveling?”

My reply was simple, “Because I can.”

Being (mostly) retired, I can do pretty much what I want, when I want.  I may not be able to do this forever, but that’s my plan while I can.

Which brings me to today.  I have a short bucket list, but I do have one.  One of the items has been to take a last-minute trip from wherever I am to someplace else.  I’ve often thought about walking into an airport and asking, “Where can I fly for $300.00 right now.”  I’ve never done it.

Four hours ago I saw a “last-minute” cruise to Cuba.  The ship leaves tomorrow.  Ruth and I will be on it.  It’s not a long cruise.  We set sail on Monday, arrive in Key West on Tuesday, head over to Havana for two days and return on Friday.

This short excursion will cause me to miss my next scheduled blog post on Wednesday.  We opted for the upgraded dinner package and free drinks rather than free internet.

For those of you who are wondering how I can consider being so impulsive and take a last minute trip like this, the answer is simple.  Because I can.

2 thoughts on “Because I Can”

  1. That is a great story an I really like the ending.
    As your neighbor I hope we get to see the both of you a few minutes before we all leave Florida.
    We, as well are doing a lot of things with our kids that are here now and enjoying every minute.
    But I want you to know you are great friends and we will miss you during the summer months.
    Because we can, let’s have a drink even if it’s later in the day before you leave

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