Life Lessons


This is my 150th post.  I started because I wanted to share the news of my friend, Ed’s, 100th birthday.   That was in November of 2017.  Ed is 101 going on 102.

Since then I’ve written about a multitude of things: family, friends, life, death, hopes, dreams, and fears.  I hope that you’ve been able to smile, laugh, learn and remember.  Most of all, I hope you relate.  I hope to jog a memory, or two, and that you share those memories with someone.

Memories are moments that you recall.  They are a part of your story and each of our stories is worth sharing.  Sharing is the important part because that’s what brings life to the moment.  And if you don’t share them, those moments pass along with you.

My family, and those who know my family, tend to find family stories interesting.  Childhood friends relate best to the remembrances of our youth.  Work friends like work related stories.  And some of you just like to get away for a moment a couple of times a week to get to know yourself better.  Many of you have shared your story with me and for that I am truly grateful.

My vow from the beginning was to “tell no lies”.  I must admit to embellishing the truth from time to time, but that’s a key part of telling stories.  You’ve got to keep people engaged because, let’s face it, not everyone (outside of me)  is interested in everything  I’ve written.

Oh, for those of you who read each post, you probably thought I was going to write about last week’s trip to Cuba.  Sorry to disappoint you, but here’s a teaser for Wednesday.


As soon as I got off of the ship, these two chicks were on me like stink on fish.  (If you’ve got it, you’ve got it, no matter what country you’re in and what language you speak.)


And then there were three.