
Another Ride Around the Mitten

After the successful 2018 Michigan tour of Sutton James Papanikolas, and several appearances by Tres Leches,  Sutton changed his stage name to simply Sutton James.  Many people showed up at last year’s venues looking for a short, dark haired, bronzed skinned Greek guy and were visually confused when they saw Sutton.   He’s six foot three, sandy haired, and more Swede than Greek.  Thus, the name change.  No confusion this year.

BZ and Sutton are taking another ride around the mitten.  It began a couple of weeks ago and will continue through the first week of August.   After that they head to Canada and then back west.

For those who may have forgotten, BZ plays tambourine and provides backup for Sutton.  The third member of Tres Leches is my daughter-in-law Lindsay.  She’s a singer.  Tres Leches appears sparingly but they are worth a look.

This year Lindsay’s brother, Steve, is joining the group for selected gigs.  He adds a bit of flare to the already successful trio by playing the Djembe.  And if you really want a treat, it’s been rumored that my son, Michael, will join the group for a couple of appearances during the June 4 -11 timeframe and, perhaps later in the summer on their UP swing as they exit the state.  Discussions have begun on a third name, perhaps Party Rocker Plus,  for the four – five member group.  (You read it here first.)

Sutton has done a better job of planning their “gigs” this year.   They will play in an area, head back here for a bit, journey out again, rinse, repeat.  (He passed himself crisscrossing the state a couple of times last year.)

They’ve added a couple of new local places:  The Beach Bar, Tecumseh Brewing Company,  and Meckley’s Flavor Fruit Farm.  Copy and paste the link below for a complete  list of  when and where.  Sutton updates the site as new “gigs” are added.


If you can’t wait, here’s a taste.


Or if you prefer.