
Galivants, Gadabouts and Gigolos

flapper-silhouette-4485698_1280If you look up the definitions for galivants, gadabouts and gigolos, you’ll find something like this.

A galivant is a person who “likes to wander about having a good time with members of the opposite sex”.  By definition a galivant can be either a male or female.  You do need to be interested in the opposite sex, but it’s not about being engaged in any specific activity, but rather, enjoying each other’s company.

A gadabout is a person “who moves about restlessly  from one social activity to another to have a good time.”  Members of the opposite sex are not required.  You can have fun with anyone, anywhere.


A gigolo is  “a man supported by a woman usually in return for his attentions like a professional dancing partner or male escort.”

If I’m completely honest, I believe that I have a bit of a galivant and gadabout deep within my soul, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.  A part of each of our lives should be looking to have a good time.  You’re never too old to   enjoy life and the company of others.

There was definitely  a time in college when I considered the lifestyle of a gigolo, but it didn’t work out.  That was a good thing.

All three terms are old school.  You don’t hear much about them any more.  Terms used today are much less genteel, cruder, and not appropriate fodder for your average run of the mill, household blog.

I share these terms with you today in preparation for my next installment.

My parents enjoyed having a good time throughout their entire lives.  My dad had a best friend, Harry, who eventually became my uncle.  Dad and Harry dated sisters, Kay and Ruth, and married them.  The four of them enjoyed life.  The guys had a good time with or without the girls, and the girls did the same.  They went to dance halls, bars, roller rinks, and the beach, with the single purpose of having a good time.  They definitely engaged in galivant behavior.

Ruth and Harry married before Kay and Tony.  Harry had poor eyesight, and as a result, wasn’t eligible for military service during World War II.  Tony enlisted in the army in 1940, planned to serve one year, get discharged, and marry Kay.  The bombing of Pearl Harbor changed all that.  He spent the entire war in the service.

Kay spent the war years working in Detroit and engaged in self-proclaimed “galivant” activities.  I learned about this during The Inquisition of Katherine Tebo.