
Just a Thought


It’s Christmas 2019. You should be hanging out with your family, so I’ll be brief. This is a unique day for me. For the first thirty years of my life I spent Christmas morning with my mom, dad, and sisters. Ruth was with me the last six of the thirty.

We stopped waking up in Royal Oak when we wanted the kids to celebrate the morning in their own home. We still traveled to Royal Oak for a portion of the day for several years, and then things changed again. That’s what time does. It changes things.

This Christmas morning Ruth and I are in Florida. It’s the first time we won’t be with at least one of the kids since Christmas 1975. David and his crew are in Michigan. Michael, Kate, Elizabeth and Sutton are in California where they’ll spend part of the day together.   My sisters and their families are at their homes. Ruth’s sister, Kathy, and her husband, Dan, are in New York City. Everyone is with someone they love, we just aren’t together.

I hope if this Christmas has brought changes to your annual celebration too, you get to spend at least a part of the day with someone you love.

As for Ruth and me, WE’RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! (For real!)