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I Have a New Knee

patch-2595322_1920I had surgery last Friday to have my right knee replaced.  That’s how Ruth and I celebrated Valentine’s Day.  If you are reading this on Sunday, February 16th, that means I’m home from the hospital and aware of my surroundings well enough to push the “post button”.

I had my left knee replaced on September 15, 2015.  When you get new parts, you remember the dates.  I may garner a shoulder in the fall, and if that occurs, I’ll have another date to remember.

The left knee replacement was straight forward.  The surgeon opened up the front of my knee to install my titanium implant.  He did a great job, and its been working well ever since.  Getting an implant is only part of the problem.  You have to do the physical therapy if you want it to work properly.  I did, so I did.

I used a walker for about a week in 2015.  I followed that with a cane for another.  After two weeks I was on my own.  Just me and my new knee.  The goal of therapy is to gain “range of motion”.   They want you to be able the bend your knee 120 degrees.  Part of the final exam for  PT graduation is walking up and down a set of stairs.  You can use the handrail if you must.  I was able to go solo.

But not anymore.   That’s why I had my right knee replaced.  I’ve been fine walking on flat ground, but uneven surfaces and stairs have been killers.  I’m hopeful that having two titanium knees does the trick.  Time will tell.

This replacement is being done by a doctor in Florida.  He does a lateral approach which is supposed to result in faster recuperation.  Without getting too technical, it’s a less invasive surgery.  You still get an implant, but the “side door” is allegedly the “door” of least resistance.

The preparation for this has been much more thorough.  I’ve had to get two medical clearances, one from my GP and one from my cardiologist.  That’s due in part because I’m five years older this go around.  Age, plus the fact that I didn’t have a cardiologist in 2015.  I’ve also attended orientation classes at the hospital and consultations with the surgeon.  They’ve gone so far as to give me special super soap for four days of showers, and required clean sheets on the bed when the “super soap showers” began.    The soap is designed to kill all my cooties. I’m one clean dude.

I’ve walked, worked on increasing my upper body strength, lost twenty pounds (my decision), and have done everything asked of me to insure a successful procedure.  That’s what they call it – a procedure.  I’ll continue to do the required work, drop another twenty, and get stronger in the process.

Last time around I had a simple goal.   I wanted to be able to cross my left leg over my right knee without grabbing my pantleg to swing it into place.  I hadn’t been able to do that in about ten years.  I reached that goal and have maintained that ever since.

This time, I want to be able to play golf within a month (last time it was about seven weeks), walk up and down a set of stairs without having a death grip on the handrail, and dance in the town square.  (They have music here every night.)   The handrail and dancing can wait a couple extra weeks if that’s required, but the golfing part is a must.

If I’ve posted this on Sunday, February 16th, I’m on my way.

2 thoughts on “I Have a New Knee”

  1. Congrats on this “procedure”. I’m having my right done in April and I can only hope mine goes as well!

  2. Hi Bob,
    Just read of your Knee Operation, hope all is going well with it. Looking forward for the Summer to see if the old man can still hit the Golf Ball.

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