Life Lessons

You’re Not Going to Believe This

I know you’re not going to believe this, I really can’t believe it myself, but I’ve been approached to appear in the re-release of a current film.  I can’t share a lot about my good fortune as the deal is just in the beginning stages, but this appears to have legs.  They’ve gone so far as to prepare a draft of the promotional photo that will be released with the film’s new version.  I got my hand on a proof and, since my literary audience is so sparse, it’s ok to share.   They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll keep this short.

movie pic

I haven’t been authorized to release the name of the re-release, or the names of my co-stars, but you can see by the photo that I’ll have some powerful box office draws appearing with me.  I’m the elder statesman of the  group.

My role requires me to negotiate my team out of several precarious predicaments.  I believe movie goers will identify me as the “wise sage” when they recount the film with their friends.

The whole thing developed very quickly.  Ruth, our friend, Diane, and I went to the movies one day last week.  I wanted to see a film before my surgery.  I knew I would have limited access after my procedure so I wanted to take advantage of the time I did have.

The producers must have seen me in the theater because this whole movie thing developed while I was in the hospital.  More specifically, it developed while I was under the influence of the anesthesia.  It just goes to show that good fortune can pass your way even under the most trying conditions.

I’ll be sure to invite you to the movie’s premier.