
Dear Eva,

I never believed in love at first sight until your dad was born.  The moment I saw him, I loved him.  I felt the same way when your Aunt BZ and Uncle Mike were born.  The fourth time I was overwhelmed like that was with Brady’s birth.   The last time was the moment I saw you.  You make a total of five.

I believe that I must have felt that way about my parents, but I can’t remember that far back.Tebo-80  I know I didn’t feel that way about my sisters, because I was rooting for brothers.  After awhile, I learned to love them too.

I’m writing to give you a “heads up”.  I know that you know Nana and I helped redecorate your two bedrooms – the one at the Hamilton house and the one at the cottage.  Nana and you did the design.  I just helped with the payment. I do admit that I was involved in hanging items in the Hamilton house, but that was more manual labor than design.

Our investment in your new digs was very much on purpose.  While Nana and your mom may not agree, your dad and I very definitely do.  When you turn thirteen in October your going to be living in those two rooms for much of the next seven years.  If you are this beautiful at twelve, just imagine how gorgeous you’re going to get.

Staying in your room may seem extreme, but I think it’s for the best.  You can still go to school, ride horses, compete on the swim team, go to gymnastics, play volleyball, basketball and softball, have sleepovers  at your friend’s house, sing, dance, continue to develop your cooking skills, and be in a school play if you like.  You just can’t go out on a date, so I’m giving you the heads up.  I don’t want you to get excited about what may happen someday, when your dad and I have decided that your first someday will be when your twenty.  Maybe twenty-one.

To be fair, I haven’t really discussed this with your dad, but I’m sure he’ll agree.  He’s already mentioned getting a ball bat to beat off your potential suitors.  You see, the thing is, neither one of us has been a girl so we really don’t know how girls think.  However,  we both know how boys think, so that’s why I believe that the staying in your room idea should work.  It’s for the best.

Someday you can go out on a date, but that time is a long way off.  I imagine that you’ll fall in love with some guy and, perhaps, get married.

When your Uncle Sutton, Aunt BZ, Uncle Mike and Aunt Kate come to Michigan this summer I’ve got big plans.  Uncle Sutton, Uncle Mike, Uncle Steve, your dad and I are going to start a band.   Sutton and I will play guitars.  Mike will play the violin, and Steve will play the djembe.  If Uncle Paul wants in, he can play guitar too.  Your dad’s going to be the lead singer.  We’re only going to learn one song so your dad can sing it at your wedding.  We’ve got several summers to practice, so we should all sound great when it’s time.

If it goes as well as I expect, Uncle Steve may wish to sing it at his daughter, Lucy’s, wedding.  Dad and Uncle Steve can switch roles for that. Paul may sing to Viv as well, but that’s  even further down the road.  I’ve posted the song below.

I know that this is a lot to take in for a twelve year old, but since I’m retired I’ve got a lot of time to think these things through.  I only wish that I had thought of this thirty-one years ago when your Aunt BZ was twelve and getting ready to become a teen-ager.  It would have saved me a lot of sleepless nights.






1 thought on “Dear Eva,”

  1. What a beautiful granddaughter! As you know, time will go fast and that wedding will be here. Thanks for sharing Eva’s story.

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