Current Events

Lock Down

One of the neighbors in our “hood” offered up this observation the other day.  I found it amusing, so I thought I’d share it with you.  I’m not sure if she actually wrote it, or found it somewhere on line, but here it is.


Just be careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down! Actually I’ve just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I didn’t mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end the iron straightened me out as she said everything will be fine, no situation is too pressing. The vacuum was very unsympathetic… told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over! The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked its opinion and didn’t say anything, but the door knob told me to get a grip. The front door said I was unhinged, and the curtains told me to … yes, you guessed it … pull myself together!

Here are some things I’ve observed.

  1.  If you self quarantine beginning February 14th with knee replacement surgery, you get a jump on the rush to “stay home”.
  2.  Parents are beginning to understand that teachers have a tough job.
  3.  Hoarders are evil people.  We found, and purchased, our first eggs on Sunday after several weeks of looking for them.  We still haven’t located any toilet paper.  Chickens lay eggs everyday, and you can only poop so many times a day, so I don’t get it.
  4.  Some people look better in masks.
  5. Families are finding creative ways to keep in touch.
  6.  We are a resourceful group of people.
  7. Humor is great medicine.  It’s helping us through this tough time.
  8. Most people are kinder than I thought they were, and most of us are very generous in times of trouble.
  9. Common people are doing uncommon things.
  10.  I’ve logged in on  Zoom and House Party, and I like them better than Doom and Gloom.
  11.  People who haven’t gone to church in a long while are praying everyday.
  12.  Statistics, models, and potential devastation are driving everyday decisions.  (I’m not judging, just observing.)
  13. “Stress baking” is a thing.  (Maybe that’s where the eggs have gone.)
  14.  I’ve watched more TV news during the past month than I have my entire life.
  15. Ruth has ridden in our golf cart more in the past five weeks than she has in the previous fifteen years.  Her golf game has improved dramatically.  Practice does make perfect.
  16. Regulations have been relaxed to help assist in the flow of supplies throughout the country.
  17. When we get through this, we’re going to be living differently.
  18. We miss seeing “live sports” and music concerts and are looking forward to their return.
  19.  We better bring back the manufacturing of medical supplies and toilet paper.
  20.  People all around the world are finding creative ways to pass the time.