

MRNA turned 73 yesterday.  MRNA is Ruth’s self proclaimed nickname.  It stands for Mom, Ruth, Nana, Altogether.  This is my favorite time of the year because for 48 days, four dozen days if you prefer, she’s a year older than me.  For the statisticians out there, that computes to …

4,147,200 seconds
69,120 minutes
1,152 hours
6 weeks and 6 days
13.11% of 2020

We’ve been spending more time than usual together, as I expect most of you.  Stay at home orders may cause some to squabble  a bit, but so far we have avoided that.  We play nine holes of golf most days, and that’s  an outing we both look forward to.

I’ve done my best to avoid some of her most enjoyable activities … doing the laundry, cleaning,  and cooking.  Once in a while I can’t help myself, so I put a few dishes in the dishwasher or move the clothes from the washer to the dryer; but other than that I’ve been able to avoid interfering with her daily routine.  Although we don’t discuss it, I think she appreciates my thoughtfulness.

Here’s an interesting, potential, fact.  I saw on TV today that since people are staying home, 46% of couples now know what their spouse does for a living.   Prior to the pandemic, they didn’t have a clue.  I’m not 100% sure about the statistic, but I’m 100% sure that I saw it on TV.

But I digress.

I’ve done a bit of on-line shopping during the past couple of weeks.  I don’t normally shop on-line, but these are unusual times.  In light of MRNA’s recent success on the golf course, I purchased some personalized golf balls for her. I bought four dozen in honor of the four dozen days she’s older than me.  I know, pretty thoughtful.

I did make one error when ordering.  I misspelled MRNA.  I placed the order as MYRNA.  I’m hoping she won’t notice.

When she hits a good shot, she keeps her head down.  When she lifts her head, she pushes it left, pulls it right, dribbles it off the tee, or pops it up.  She hits it on the money as long as she doesn’t look up, so I had a special message emblazoned on the golf balls, “Keep Your Head Down MYRNA”.  I know, pretty thoughtful.

I also made a homemade birthday card for her and cooked her breakfast.  I got everything ready while she showered.  I even cleaned out both trays of the toaster for her while I waited for her to get dressed.  After golf I picked up a pizza she ordered.  I know I’ve gone a bit overboard this year, but she’s worth it.  I took a picture of her to share on the blog today.  I hope everyone reading this enjoys it.  I know, pretty thoughtful.


2 thoughts on “MRNA”

  1. Happy birthday, Ruth! The mask doesn’t make you look a day over 30! Stay healthy!

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