Current Events

Making a Difference

I’ve been involved in education since I was five. I started as a kindergarten student at Royal Oak’s Whittier Elementary, moved through the Royal Oak system, earned a Bachelors Degree from Western Michigan, Masters from Eastern, Specialist from MSU, and worked with several colleges and universities through my “retired” work for the past thirteen years with the Michigan Works system. I’ve had wonderful teachers, and others that were not so wonderful. I’ve met thousands of people dedicated to their profession, working hard to insure each student’s success, but none of my experience compares with the challenges today’s educators are facing. They are making a difference at an extremely challenging time.

Few members of today’s cadre of educators chose remote learning as their preferred method of instruction. While on-line learning is not new, its wholesale distribution throughout the country is. Many educators were ill prepared to deliver instruction in such a manner, but they’re tackling the challenge to the best of their ability.. Children are sitting at kitchen tables, makeshift study areas, and lounging in easy chairs working on simple addition and subtraction problems with no “borrowing or carrying”, all the way through the trials and tribulations of complex trigonometry challenges. The fortunate have parents, or significant adults, as tutors. They will carry-on in spite of their limited opportunities. Those without a support system will flounder and fail. Never has the mandate for equal opportunity for all children in public schools been more unequal. The kids with a positive work ethic, and support system, will make it in spite of today’s challenges.

While it’s true that not all students have equal access to computers and the internet, the greatest deficit is the lack of personal support. Some kids have no one but themselves to rely upon, and that is our greatest shortcoming. Every kid needs a cheerleader. While in school, most kids have them. If not a parent, then a teacher, aide, custodian, coach, or bus driver shows an interest. Caring and encouraging goes a long way when someone is struggling with the most simple concept. Knowing you are not alone is a wonderful thing.

I expect the coronavirus will leave its mark on the medical community and the health of those who contract the virus. The long term impact may linger for years. The other major unknown is the impact upon today’s learners. Some will be better off because they managed the challenge of the virus. Others, like those who contract the disease, may never recover.