Current Events

Another Tourney in the Books

I finished the second round of a grueling two day golf tournament on Tuesday.  It was the 2021 Super Senior Championship in The Villages.  It’s the fourth time I’ve had the opportunity, and the third time I teed it up,  in this prestigious event.  It’s held annually for those seventy, and older,  who reside in The Villages.  I played in 2018 and 19.  I missed last year because I had just undergone total right knee replacement.  This was my third tourney.

The requirements remain the same each year. You must be at least 70 years old, have a certified handicap through the United States Golf Association (USGA), and pay the $15.00 entrance fee.  No sponsorships are permitted.

I finished first in 2018, second in 2019, and second “low net” this year.  The tourney in 2018 was exciting, 2019 disappointing, and 2021 was at least memorable, because I was able to compete after missing last year.  2019 was disappointing because I blew a three shot lead I should have been able to keep.  I wrote about taking a “9” on the eleventh hole of the final round shortly after my blunder.

How does one amass such a terrible score?  I hit a perfect drive down the center of the eleventh fairway (first stroke) and pushed my second shot right (second stroke).   The errant ball caught the cart path, rolled an extra ten yards, and stopped near the edge of a large bush.   I didn’t have a backswing but I thought I could knock the ball to the top of a mound to my right.  Wrong. My ball came up short, hit the curb of the cart path, and bounded out-of-bounds (third shot).   I took a two shot penalty (strokes four and five).  I stubbed my next shot to the top of the mound (sixth shot).  I lobbed my next on the green twelve feet above the hole (seventh shot). I rimmed out my putt (eight shot) and tapped in for a nine (ninth shot).

While I didn’t win this year, I’m happy with the progress I’m making.  I’ve competed in six one day tournaments since we arrived in late November.  I finished first in two, second in two, and third in one.  The latest two day tournament brings my total  “money rounds” to six.  Six out of seven is not bad.  I’ve banked about eighty bucks in the process.  After taking my player fees into account, I’m only out about $270.

My current success has caused me to rethink my several failures in Michigan during the past couple years.  I’ve played in a two man scramble  at my home course for the past dozen years.  Early on, my playing partner and I enjoyed some success.  We finished “in the money” on several occasions.  About three years ago I changed partners, and my success evaporated.  My new partner and I failed week after miserable week.  Know matter what we tried to improve, nothing worked.

With my most recent success here in Florida, I realize my failed golf experience in Michigan wasn’t really my fault at all.  It was my partner’s.  How else can one man achieve success as a solo, but fail repeatedly as a part of a two man team. It’s gotta be his fault.  Thankfully, since we’ve sold our house at Lake LeAnn, I won’t be playing with this anchor any longer.  Oh sure, we’ll play a few rounds each summer, but I won’t  be a part of his weekly failures.

The truth be told, I’ll miss playing with him.  While he’s experienced little tournament success, Craig’s a good man and a great friend.  Such attributes are more important than winning a couple dollars now and then.

As for me, I have the annual Super Senior Tournament in The Villages to make “bank”.