Life Lessons

Jackson James

When Ruth and I decided on names for our three kids, we wanted strong names we’d like both as their formal name and potential abbreviated version.  David might become Dave, Elizabeth – Liz,  and Michael – Mike.  We both defer to the more formal David, Elizabeth, and Michael.  That’s how I plan to roll with young Jackson James.  He’s going to be Jackson for me.

We discussed naming our three after people in our extended family.  We considered Anthony for David in honor of my dad.  In the end, we opted for David Anthony and have no regrets.  Elizabeth is Elizabeth Kathryn because Kathryn is both of our mother’s name.  Ruth’s spelled hers Kathryn and my mom’s was Katherine.  In the end I deferred to Ruth.  Michael is Michael Robert because of me.

Jackson was a name Kate favored right from the beginning.  She and Michael considered Jack rather than Jackson. That’s what Kate calls him.  The scales tipped in favor of Jackson once his middle name was chosen.  Jack James wouldn’t cut it, so they opted for the longer version, Jackson James.  James is in honor of my friend, James A. Marvin, who passed way to soon.

Jim Marvin followed the paths of my three children and loved them all.  He grew closer to David and Michael, and we often discussed the career path of the boys as they grew into men with families of their own.  There was a time when he and I discussed buying a golf course near Battle Creek.  The complex featured an eighteen hole course, a full blown pro shop, banquet facilities that could accommodate up to three hundred guests, and a track of land set aside for condo development.  Jim had a dentist friend looking for an investment opportunity and the concept included Jim and I becoming partners.   Michael had recently graduated from Michigan State’s hospitality program. We envisioned him being the general manager of the place.  In the end, we passed on the opportunity.

Jim’s interest in Michael was centered upon the fact he deemed him to be a “solid investment”. He often said, “If Michael starts his own business, I want in. I’d invest in him.”  They discussed the future and mutually admired their paths.

Jim was a good man who thought of others before himself. He willingly shared his time, advice, and wealth. He gave the gift of himself and was a friend to anyone who needed one.  He made a difference. Most importantly, he did it without thought of personal gain or accolades.

I suspect Kate and Michael discussed all those things before taking the step to name their son after James A.  If young Jackson James grows up to be anything like my friend, Jim, the world will be a better place.


2 thoughts on “Jackson James”

  1. You’re trying to make me cry this morning!
    Congrats on your new grandchild.
    Talk to you soon Bob.

  2. You did make me cry….Jim was one special brother and I know he was a special friend…
    Congratulations on your precious new little grandson…I love his name:)
    Blessings to you and yours!!
    Kathy DeLine

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