We started the process of changing our address before we made the drive north from Florida to Standwood, Michigan. I contacted our credit card companies, updated our magazine subscriptions, and filed the appropriate documents with the United States Postal Service. Everything went surprisingly well. We had several pieces of mail when we arrived.
I received the paperwork to renew both my drivers license and license plate tabs. The directions provided by the State of Michigan provided four options for the renewal of both. “From home”, I could renew online through the website paying by e-check or credit card. I could also mail it in with a check or money order. The estimated time to complete the online process is five minutes. Preparing the mail option was estimated at ten.
“In person”, options include the “two minute” self-service station with a credit or debit card or the “twenty-minute” visit a branch with an appointment. After considering the alternatives, I went online.
The website offers many options. I hoped the process would be as swift as changing my address with the credit card companies, my magazine subscriptions and the postal service. It wasn’t. I had to first “create an account” with a user name and password. That took about fifteen minutes. I decided to change my address before moving through the renewal process. On this screen I was required to enter my old address, my new address, and a mailing address. I fumbled with this step for about ten minutes before deciding to make the new and mailing addresses the same.
I opted next to register for my drivers license. I’m not required to have a new photo, or take a written test, as I have in the past. I guess they’ve determined that gray is gray, and I’m as smart as I’m going to get. In any case, when I hit the submit button, everything was kicked back because “You’ve recently changed your address, so you can’t renew your license online for ten days.” Another fifteen minutes lost.
Finally, I clicked through the steps to purchase new license plate tabs. After determining “no” I don’t need a new plate and “yes” I do want the twelve dollar recreation passport, I entered my credit card number and hit submit. I reviewed all of the information on the electronic form the moment my submission was declined. Everything was correct, so I hit submit again. I did this two more times before throwing in the towel.
After about an hour, I had successfully created an account and changed my address. As soon as I proof-read this post one last time, I’m taking the next ten minutes to write a check and request everything through snail mail. At least I know the postal service as my correct address.
What about the Gold Star that will be required to have on your DL by , I think, this October. I had to go in person to have that done. Just wondering, not trying to throw a monkey wrench into the process…
Great question with an unknown answer. I’ll look into making an appointment.