Current Events

A Couple Observations

Ruth and I spent three days with Jackson James, and his mom and dad, earlier this week.  It was our first flight from Grand Rapids to California and it went very well.  This is Mike’s first week of father bonding time.  The State of California has a program that allows moms and dads each several weeks of paid bonding time.  I believe they each get six weeks.  Parents may take it all at once or spread it out over time.  Kate took a large portion right away while Mike plans to take his in two week chunks over several months. It’s a nice program for the entire family.

On our flight out we experienced the updated flying rules instituted because of Covid-19.  Everyone is still required to wear a mask in the airport and on the airplane.  While heading down the jetway, we were directed to social distance at six feet.  There were markers on the jetway wall to help you “keep your distance”.  Once on board we were crammed in shoulder to shoulder just like pre-pandemic.  Apparently the virus transfers most readily while you are standing.  I’ve never heard Dr. Fauci, or the CDC, mentioned this variant before.  Makes me wonder if farting may spread the virus.

We heard a new rule while preparing for take off.  “In the event that cabin pressure drops, oxygen masks will drop down from the ceiling.  Take off your facemask, place the oxygen mask on, and after securing the oxygen mask, place your facemask over the oxygen mask.”

I’ve never experienced the oxygen masks dropping on a flight, but I believe I’d  be too frightened to consider this newest procedure.  The shock of the drop would be enough for me to worry about soiling myself.  I’d be focused on keeping my pants clean.  Replacing my facemask would be last on my list.  I’d be tucking my head between my legs, bracing for an emergency landing, and saying what I believe might be my final prayers.

But maybe that’s just me.