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As a polio pioneer from the 1950’s, I’m about vaccined out. I think I’ve had em all. I’ve been poked and prodded much of my life. I accepted my fate and followed the directives of, first, my parents who made those decisions for me and, later, I became the master of my own health by making deliberate decisions regarding my well-being.

Since the first of the year I’ve had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine (eligible for a third), two doses of the shingles vaccine, the DTaP (to guard against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), and this past week, a dose of this year’s super-duper, stronger than ever, flu vaccine. Yesterday a fly landed on my arm and dropped dead. A mosquito approached me and blew up in mid-flight.

From 1958 to 1977, the World Health Organization conducted a global vaccination campaign that eradicated smallpox, making it the only human disease to be eradicated. Although routine smallpox vaccination is no longer performed on the general public, the vaccine is still being produced to guard against bioterrorism and biological warfare. I received mine as my parents directed, and sported a vaccine scar behind my left shoulder well into my fifties.

Prior to my recent surge in vaccine protection, I’ve had both the Salk and Sabin vaccines, my MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), a panel of Hepatis vaccinations, and contracted both the measles and chickenpox in spite of my mother’s due diligence. I’m sure there’s been others, but you see my point. I’ve been as careful with my health as I can be, but there are no guarantees that something may go wrong down the road.

Covid-19, and it’s variants, continue to be a big concern. I’ve known several people who have contracted the coronavirus. One friend went to a family birthday party last year and emerged as the only celebrant to escape the virus. His two sons and their families, and his daughter and her’s, all dealt with the illness. His wife, living in the same house and sleeping in the same bed, contracted the virus, but he was spared. While they all recovered, it makes no sense that he, alone, was untouched.

I’ve had friends get the virus after getting vaccinated, and still others who got the virus, followed their illness by getting the vaccine, and were struck with the illness again. It seems that if your going to get it, it’s going to find you.

I received these tips from a friend.

1. Always carry a mask (just to avoid hassles).
2. If you have had the vaccine, or the virus, don’t worry.
3. If you haven’t had the vaccine, or the virus, don’t worry.  
4. If you’ve had the virus, or vaccine, or both, you can still pass on the virus, or get the virus. Sounds similar to those who have NOT had the virus or vaccine. Weird eh?

Conclusion, live life and carry on.   No matter what you do, bad things can happen to good people.  As for me, I’m getting my Pfizer booster.