
This Year’s Christmas Card

The first time I recall sending Christmas cards was my freshman year of college.  It seemed to be the mature thing to do, so I did it.  I picked out a masculine fireplace scene and sent them to several relatives.  The next year I sent out the remaining cards.  If you received yours, you’re welcome.  It’s the only box I ever bought.  They’re truly a collector’s item now.

Ruth sent cards when we first married, but wholesale mailing lists are long gone.  We’re just not good at sending cards. Ruth gets inspired from time to time and sends out cards she’s made.  They’re beautiful.

We have friends who are very good at sending cards.  Our friend, Jan, sends us a card at Christmas, our anniversary and our birthdays.  I’ve never seen it, but I believe she has a greeting card box she organizes each year. We enjoy each and every one.

We’ve started receiving cards and Christmas letters this year.  We like them, especially when they include a family picture or a personal message.  We enjoy seeing how people have changed and hearing from friends and family.

We spent this past weekend in California visiting young Jackson James and his parents.  He’s eight and a half months old and a sharp dresser.  We had a great time and took a three-generation family photo with Jackson and his dad.  This is my Christmas ecard to all of you.

“May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours; and may the coming year be filled with happiness.”


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