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Final Thoughts

There was a time when I thought Elizabeth might never publish her book.  Fifteen years is a long time for a thought to percolate.  While the words were ready, the illustrations weren’t, and you need illustrations in a children’s book.  Children need to see as well as read or hear the words.  The pictures help tell the tale.

I had the opportunity to meet Arturro Laparra at the book launch last weekend.  He was the first person I saw as I entered the room.  His drawings were posted proudly for all to see and ponder.  While I wasn’t sure if it was him, or not, I walked up and asked.  He replied, “Yes”, and I introduced myself as BZ’s dad.  I shook his hand and thanked him for creating the illustrations and said, “Without you, this would have never happened.”

The words got stuck in my throat, and tears welled up in my eyes.  He tried to dismiss his part, but I said, “No, it’s true”, and in the next moment I was hugging and crying with a man I had just met.  We spoke just a moment more, but I knew I had met a special person.

Much of the next two hours are a blur.  I did take the time to thank Elizabeth’s husband, Sutton, for his role in the book.  He’s been very supportive of her work.  I’m happy they have each other as they have similar aspirations, and their talents complement each other.  He stood on the sidelines supporting his wife, much as she supports him when he’s performing his music.

Elizabeth and Arturro addressed their assembled friends and family.  They read the book and shared the pictures.  They spoke of their work together and how they had become a literary team.  The experience was very emotional.  Tears of joy and gratitude filled the room.

Near the end of the celebration, I introduced myself to Arturro’s mom.  She told me what a wonderful daughter I had, and how much Elizabeth had helped her son. Before I knew it, we were two proud parents hugging, and sharing, a tear-filled moment.  It was an emotional day.

Elizabeth and Arturro are blessed to have found each other. They developed a perfect partnership.  He needed a therapist to help him through a difficult time, and she needed an artist to help her.  The publication of the book was therapeutic for her. “The Elephant on Aaron’s Chest” is the result of their collaboration, and I hope it’s just the first of many.



2 thoughts on “Final Thoughts”

  1. I just got my copy of the book. I can’t wait to share it with my class and school. So proud of Bz!!!
    You should be proud parents!

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