
He Turns One Today

Our youngest grandchild, Jackson James, turns one today.  Ruth and I have traveled to California to see him four times this year.  Our latest trip was last weekend.  He wasn’t aware his birthday was a week away, so we celebrated a bit early. When you’re only one- year-old you have no real sense of time.  That will come soon enough.

He’s had a good first year.  He can say a few words:  Mom, Dad, Bob, Nana, Papa.  He’s got two big front teeth, walks while holding on to the furniture, has an I’ll eat anything you put in front of me appetite, and a great laugh.  He loves it when you blow raspberries on his stomach.

He goes to daycare even though his mom and dad work primarily from home.  All eyes are on him, so daycare provides them with the opportunity to actually get things done.  I’m told he’s one of the favorite kids in the group.  I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

Kate’s mom and dad (AKA Papa), Sutton and Elizabeth, joined Michael, Kate, Ruth and me for the birthday celebration.  When our three kids had their first birthdays, and later when Brady and Eva joined the crew, each received their own Bill Knapps’ chocolate birthday cake.  If you’ve never had one, you missed out.  There was no Bill Knapps’ cake in California, so Michael made a personalized applesauce cake for young Jackson.  It was a sugar free, maple syrup infused, California style, taste treat. Jackson’s never had a Bill Knapps’ cake, so he really didn’t know what he was missing. We had a family photo shoot to capture the moment.

I admire young Jackson’s attitude.  While the world around him is hustle-bustle, he handles things in stride.  He’s not in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything.  He’s one cool cucumber.  They captured this shot of him in daycare.  It emphasizes his “I’m not in a hurry” outlook on life.  I think that’s wise for one so young.

I’m looking forward to watching Jackson grow-up.  I’ll have to admire his development from a distance, but knowing he has several people who love him close by helps with the days I watch from afar.  I’m on the photo shoot list that Mike and Kate send out, so I’ll be able to watch him grow.  They’re very good at keeping us in the loop.

The next time I see him he’ll probably be walking, know several more words, and have a few new tricks up his sleeves.  In any case, although I’ve only known him one year, he can’t be loved anymore that he is today.

Happy birthday Jackson!