Last week, as we were preparing to head north for the summer, Ruth ran across an old Mother’s Day gift from David. He gave it to her when he was in elementary school. It’s a coupon book she’s never used. She brought it north, hoping to redeem a coupon or two. They read as follows:
Good for one free room cleaning (doesn’t include the closet)
Good for one free hug
Good for one day of no arguments (He included his sister, BZ, and brother, Mike, in the coupon, making it a gift from all three.)
Good for one free car wash
Good for one free yell
The artwork is particularly endearing. It’s taken from David’s “stick figure period”. I think all young people go through such a time. It’s a tried-and-true way to express yourself in a medium that has universal appeal.
Most parents have received similar gifts from their children. They’re the ones that mean the most. While the coupon book didn’t require a large monetary investment, it did take some time to create. Each coupon expresses a gesture that David thought his mom would appreciate. And when it’s all said and done, parents appreciate their children’s time more than anything else. It’s a priceless gift from the heart.