Life Lessons

A Lighter Look

Everyone who knows me well, knows I hate to buy cars.  Buying cars and going to the dentist are my two least favorite things to do.  I bought a car on Monday, and I’m going to the dentist on Thursday.  I thought I should get it all done in one big $#!)(& week.  I’ve had several in a row.  The worst part of buying this car is I shouldn’t have to buy it.

My friend, Diane, let me borrow one of her two vehicles while I looked for a new one.  When her husband, and my great friend, Jim, died, she kept his car “just in case” someone needed one.  Jim and Ruth died under similar circumstances.  Both had sudden heart attacks and didn’t survive.  Two great friends with similar ends.  I’m driving his car while looking for a replacement for hers.

I’ve appreciated the opportunity to have such a loaner, but I’ve found it to be challenging as well.  I lost the car twice while grocery shopping.  I forgot where I parked it and became “that guy” clicking the remote hoping the car would find me.  It didn’t.  It doesn’t have the same distinctive “beep” that my Rogue does.

While wandering around the parking lot looking for the car, I saw a few of the colored scrubbies I wrote about several months ago.  I thought I might have to consider the scrubby option myself.  I can’t go on day after day looking for my car, so I thought a white scrubby might be a short-term solution.

I went out early Sunday morning to “window” shop at a couple of dealerships.  I hoped to avoid the “Hey, can I help you.” guy for as long as possible.  I peeked in windows and tried to check window stickers, but most just said, “See dealer for details.”  That’s what I was trying to avoid.

Monday morning, I bit the bullet and drove to a dealership for a face-to-face conversation.  I’d gotten a “sales consultant’s” name from a friend.  He said she was a nice lady, straight forward, and no nonsense, so I gave Delores a call ahead of time.  I explained my unusual circumstance and my “I just want one number.” mode of buying.  “If you have to talk to somebody before giving me your best number, do the talking before you share the number.”

I looked at a total of seven cars, four new ones, and three with a few miles on them.  I narrowed the search down to two, test drove both, asked for the fact sheets for the cars and “a number” for each.  Delores showed me the fact sheets and answered my questions in great detail.  After that she went off to wherever sales consultants go to get their secret numbers.  The secret number guy did as I asked and provided a bottom line for each.

I bought a used Rogue. I’m only going to drive it six or seven months each year, so a low mileage used car made more sense.  It’s got 30,000 miles and looks great.  It’s all leather and rather sporty.  Kinda like me.  Best of all it has that same familiar sound my other Rogue has if I get lost in the parking lot again, so no scrubby for me.

1 thought on “A Lighter Look”

  1. Bob, when I forget where my car is, I just push the panic button!! That way everyone is looking for the funny little old lady who accidently pushed the button!! I find right away!!!

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