
51 Years and Sixteen Days

The last few weeks have been tough.  As I make my list of things, I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, they take on a different vibe.  Losing Ruth is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with.  There are no manuals on how to handle grief.  You deal with each moment, not each day.  They’re all different.

Some may say it’s trite to be thankful for your family, but I am.  David, Elizabeth and Michael are wonderful people.  They’re not flawless, but they’re making their mark on the world.  We’re all better off because of who they are and the things they’re accomplishing.

They’ve married well, and Lindsay, Sutton and Kate are perfect partners.  Each couple has had its’ share of challenges, but like Ruth and me, they keep moving forward.  That’s all anyone can ask.  They complement one another.

Our grandchildren, Brady, Eva and young Jackson James, are special too.  They are unique, making their way on their own terms.  Brady thrives athletically.  Eva excels at helping others.  And young Jackson, while still too young to determine his own path, likes everyone he meets and welcomes them into his life.  All three are good kids, doing the best they can do during a challenging time.

My sisters, Sharron and Jackie, and Ruth’s sister, Kathy, have been supportive and are dealing with Ruth’s loss in their own way.  My nieces have offered their support as well.  I appreciate it all.

Ruth and I spoke traditional vows when we eloped on September 11, 1971.  She cried, and I laughed, as we repeated each one. Neither one of us knew what the future held, but we were committed to working together.  We struggled some days and celebrated others.  We each did the best we could.

When we spoke the words, “Till death do you part”, we had our eyes on the future.  The future is now.  I’m thankful this day, and every day, for the fifty-one years and sixteen days we shared.



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