
Ruth Did

Ruth’s Michigan Celebration of Life last Sunday was perfect. About one hundred and fifty people joined us at the Michigan Theatre in Jackson.  They came from all over.  Friends drove in from locations throughout Michigan, some traveled a few hours and others a few minutes.  We had visitors fly in from California and Florida and one drove in from Wisconsin.

We had cousins join us. We hadn’t seen some since our last funeral together.  Ruth and my sisters and their children attended our Florida celebration and reupped for a second look.

Teacher friends from our time in Plainwell attended.  Work partners from Addison and Britton joined us.  Former students and babysitters came to pay their respects.  Boyhood friends from my childhood years were there.  My first high school girl friend came. Neighbors from our time at Lake LeAnn showed up.  We had boyfriends and girlfriends, adult friends, kid friends, new friends, and older than dirt friends.  The theatre operator who helped with the technical side of the presentation cried with us and now he’s a friend.

People from our fifty-one years and sixteen days joined in the tribute and it was wonderful.  We laughed, we cried, we looked back on the time we shared, but most importantly, we remembered.  And that’s what each of our goals should be.

My daughter, Elizabeth, led us through the day and at the end she shared some words that Ruth valued.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes.  Make sure it’s worth watching.” 

Ruth did.