Life Lessons

Choose Your Words Wisely

I started writing this blog on September 15th, 2022.  Ruth’s accident was twelve days later.  Her death shuffled my priorities.  I always have a half dozen titles, or opening lines, in my “draft folder”. I placed this aside and didn’t move forward with my original thought.

I planned to write about being married and take a stab at trying to be funny.  Married folk do that from time to time.  We razz our spouses.

After Ruth’s accident, I didn’t feel funny.  I don’t most days.  I’ve avoided completing this post because since her loss I’ve been more selective with my words.

Over the years I’ve made my share of verbal mistakes.   You’ve probably heard of the guy whose wife asked, “Do these slacks make my butt look fat?”  His reply was something like, “Not any more than normal.”

Last summer was wonderful.  We did a lot of new things, explored northern Michigan a bit, made new friends, hosted all three kids in our new digs, and all in all had a good time until it came to a screeching halt.

Ruth had lost a couple pounds and she wore a pair of white slacks that made her “butt look great”.  I told her that each time she wore them. She always smiled when I told her.  I’m thankful I chose those words.