Life Lessons


When I started this blog, I planned to write forever.  I still do.  I’ve learned this year that none of us know how long forever lasts. It’s different for everyone. We each have our own timer.

This is blog number 600.  That seems like a lot until you break it down into years.  It’s been about five and three-quarter years since I began.

I started to write so my grandchildren would know a bit about our extended family.  It’s morphed over the years and will continue to do so.  I’ve published five “blog books”, one for each year, given them to my kids, and saved one for myself.  I made a deal with my mom on her eighty-eighth birthday that I’d outlive her if she outlived her father.  She held up her part of the bargain, so if I live up to mine, I’ll be publishing another eighteen “blogs books” for the kids.  My target date is March 3, 2041.  If I should live as long as my friend, Ed, I’ve got at least another thirty to write.

I’ve nearing the homestretch of publishing a book for public consumption.  It’ll never be a best seller.  That’s not my intent.  I’m just trying to stir the pot a bit.  I tell you a bit about me, hoping you remember a bit about yourself. We’re not that different.

I think most of our major conflicts can be traced back to politics and religion. That’s why I try to avoid discussing both.  It’s not that I don’t have feelings regarding them, it’s just that I don’t believe I can change your mind, and you’re not going to change mine, so it’s best to just let it go. Do your talking when you cast your ballot or quietly when you attend your chosen church – or not.   Ruth and I talked about that a lot.

It’s okay to disagree, but it’s not okay to belittle those who don’t think as you do.

I think we agree on most things.  We want people in our life that we love, have a few creature comforts, and be comfortable in our own skin.  They can all be a challenge from time to time, but if you care enough, and work at it, you can get there.

I’m still working.  I hope you are too.