In Her Own Words

Two Moons

When Brady and Eva were young, Ruth and I had the opportunity to see them every week. They lived about twenty minutes from us, and we went to see them frequently. Sometimes we picked Brady up from pre-school or kindergarten. I’ll admit, Ruth did it more often than me.

We also babysat for them when Lindsay and David went out. Not all the time, but several times. Ruth wrote about one such stay in one of her journals. It’s the only entry, so you know it was special. She wrote:

Tales of Brady and Eva – 2010

This summer was a once in a lifetime experience for mankind and for Brady, Eva, Nana and TGO. On August 10 the planet Mars would be closer than it has been in recorded history. With all the media hype about the night of the two moons, I had prepared Brady to be ready to “howl” doubly hard on that night. As luck would have it, TGO and I were going to be watching them that evening while their mom and dad went out to celebrate their anniversary.

Now, none of this may sound especially exciting until you view it through the eyes of a very creative, and imaginative, five-year-old with a great ability to entertain and execute a plan.

When TGO and I arrived that evening we were greeted by a very excited little boy yelling, “Don’t get out of the car yet! I have a surprise for you Nana, you too TGO, but don’t look.” So, we closed our eyes and Brady carefully led us through the gate to the backyard.

“OK, open your eyes!” I was speechless. The backyard had been transformed into the perfect viewing station for our midnight encounter with two moons. He had spent the afternoon dragging his “frog tent” up from the basement and strategically placing it to one side of the back yard. He placed a sleeping bag in it, and with the plastic logs from an old fort, he fashioned a pretend fire pit. On the other side of the fire, he placed another sleeping bag and blanket so Eva could join us.

What a wonderful surprise and, even though we didn’t stay awake long enough to see them, I’ll never forget the “night of the two moons”. It was special to have such a great surprise made for just TGO and me. You’re the best moon howler ever Brady.

Ruth and Brady howled at the moon throughout his childhood. They didn’t have to be standing side by side, but they howled just the same, no matter where they were. They’d speak on the phone, look at the moon, and let loose. Although the viewing angle might be a bit different from Florida, Palm Springs, or our home on Lake LeAnn, we shared the same moon.

I don’t know if Brady’s house on Moon Lake Road, was just a coincidence, or not. Moon Lake may have influenced their love of looking at the night’s sky. I do know, if Ruth hadn’t written about that special night in her journal, the memory would be lost forever.