Current Events

Baby Boomers Singles Club

My Baby Boomers Singles Club introduction was informative but socially unremarkable.  I’d estimate there were about sixty new people.  There were approximately fifty women and ten men.  If the entire 1,160 members are made up of a similar ratio of women to men, there are potentially 962 women members.  If that’s true, there must be one or two I’d like to hang out with.

The club’s leadership is 50-50 so that may be a more accurate representation of the group.  I’ve learned that at least one twosome in the group met and became a couple through the club but remain single so they can maintain their membership.  Must be a lot of fun things happening in the club.

I dropped in on one of the activities last Thursday to see how things ran.   There were about sixteen people playing bocce golf.  Bocce golf is similar to bocce except you use golf balls and a putter in place of bocce balls.  You putt a golf ball instead of rolling a bocce ball.  Ruth and I never played, but she liked bocce, so I’m sure she’d like this golf ball version of the game.

I was invited to join the group by taking the place of the lady who organized the activity, but I declined.  I explained I was just there to observe.  I wanted to see some of the group in action.  About a third of the participants were guys but not one introduced themselves. Four of the ladies did.  If that’s a trend, my hopes are high.

I’m going to a “new member breakfast” next Tuesday.  It’s an opportunity for twenty-five of the people who recently joined to meet and mingle in a different setting.  There’ll be an opportunity to ask questions about the activities of the club. There are several.  There’s something going on somewhere most days.

My two sisters watch the television program, The Bachelor, on a regular basis.  I’ve never seen it.  A new version of the program made its debut a few weeks ago.  It’s called the Golden Bachelor.  Again, I haven’t seen it.  I did Google it.  This is the on-line descriptor.

The Golden Bachelor is a spin-off of The Bachelor featuring single men and women aged 65 and older. “It’s such a different way of doing The Bachelor because these people are just at a totally different place in their lives. There is an interesting thing about people who have hit the other end of the spectrum, who’ve lived their lives, they’ve raised their kids, some have been widowed or divorced and maybe some have never been in love. We thought that would be an interesting dynamic through the Bachelor prism.”

I think my sisters like the program because they’re interested in the back stories of the participants.  That’s what makes people interesting…their stories. Who we are and how we arrived at this place in our lives.  Creature comforts become secondary.  All the houses, cabins, cottages, cars, boats, RVs, fancy doodads and whatnots are just that. Things we accumulate over the years.  And yes, they enhance the quality of life, but it’s the people who make it most interesting.

I’m looking forward to meeting a few in the Baby Boomers Singles Club.