
Testing One Two Testing

I’ve been playing with an audio recorder.  I recorded a story I had written a few years ago and originally posted on October 14, 2018.   I shared it with my kids, two sisters and my nieces.   Most gave it a thumbs up.  Jackie shared it with the members her “pretty ladies club”.  I think that’s the name.  One of them gave it thumbs up too.

David said that he could tell I was “reading the story” rather than telling it.  He’s heard me tell thousands over his forty-nine years.  A ton have been about him and his family.  I agree that spontaneity is the better choice for oral dissertations, but it doesn’t work for story telling blogs unless you memorize them, and I haven’t.

I’m heading to Europe on the 16th of June.  That will be the final new story I post until I come back.  While I’m gone, I plan to post a previously written composition as an audio file.  If it works, I’ll be uploading my stories from my phone as I’m leaving my computer behind.  You shouldn’t notice a difference as long as the internet sends the story across the Atlantic.  You’ll be able to click on it and listen.

Before I get too carried away with this experiment, let’s see how you like listening to me read. I’ll give it my best shot.  You let me know.