Life Lessons


We visited Normandy through the port of Lavre, France last Monday.  We stopped at the German burial field first where 21,200 German soldiers are buried in graves of two.  The American cemetery just down the road holds 9,387.  I’m told there are a total of twenty-one military cemeteries in the region where 130,000 died.

When the kids were young one of our family trips took us to Gettysburg.  We watched a panoramic view of the battle that took place there.  I cried through the entire thing. I wondered how we, as a country, weren’t able to get along with ourselves.

I cried, too, when the twin towers came down.  I thought that would unite us just like I thought it would when President Kennedy was assassinated.

My time in Normandy was tearless but equally emotional.

We have short memories, and it seems like we’re doomed to repeat our mistakes over and over again.

Here’s a simple tale about remembering.

1 thought on “Normandy”

  1. Thanks for the reminder as we celebrate our country. Yes, you would think we would be more united, we are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA but we are more divided than I can ever remember. Those buried in all of those cemeteries would be saddened at the state we are in. Thanks for sharing your profound moments of this trip.

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