
Sutton James and The Beez

Prior to their three-country tour, Elizabeth and Sutton bought a home in Flagstaff, Arizona and lived there for a couple of years.  Ruth and I helped them move.  Michael joined too. When they took to the road, they rented their home to others.  Sometime along their journey they decided to sell their Arizona home, and …

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Sutton James

The first time Ruth and I met Sutton we gathered in Las Vegas. I heard about Sutton James Papanikolas from Elizabeth. I don’t recall where they met, probably at some San Diego beach party bingo experience. In any case, she told me that he wanted to take her fishing. When I combined his Greek last …

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Current Events

Pondering Life’s Lessons

I like the word pondering. I do a lot of it. You probably do too. The big difference for me is I write some of my pondering down and post them in my blog. I’ve written over 620 stories now. I’ve spent much of the past nine months going through my “posts”, whittling them down, …

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Life Lessons

Two Drink Minimum

I’m seriously considering buying a karaoke machine.  I’ve talked about it for a couple years, but I think it’s time to pull the trigger.  Whenever I hear songs I like, I sing along.  Mostly in the car or when I’m alone in the house.  Don’t get me wrong, I sang while Ruth was around as …

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Sister A vicious lion, A timid kitten, A harsh cold night, A warm woolen mitten. A baby’s head, so loving and weak. A pillow awaiting my aching feet. She’s the book you can’t put down. When I’ve got troubles, she’s always ground. Her heart’s an oyster holding a pearl. The best kind of friend to …

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Current Events

Baby Boomers Singles Club

My Baby Boomers Singles Club introduction was informative but socially unremarkable.  I’d estimate there were about sixty new people.  There were approximately fifty women and ten men.  If the entire 1,160 members are made up of a similar ratio of women to men, there are potentially 962 women members.  If that’s true, there must be …

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Life Lessons

One Mississippi

When I was growing up and we were playing touch football, the linemen had to count one, one-thousand, two, one-thousand, three, one thousand, etc. before they could rush the quarterback.  We didn’t have enough kids to play all of the positions, so we usually went with a center, a quarterback, and a receiver.  The count …

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16 Years Old

Eva turned 16 yesterday.  Like most sixteen-year-olds she’s happy to have her driver’s license.  She’s been saving to purchase a car.  She and her brother, Brady, are very different in that regard.  Eva is a saver and Brady does his best to keep the economy going. Over the past several months, I’ve seen a big …

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