Current Events

Not Just Another Snow Day

If you live in Michigan, you know all about snow.  The wintery weather can make travel dangerous, causing school districts to cancel school in the name of safety.  When Ruth and I taught in Plainwell, we looked forward to the occasional day off.  Back then staff had to report unless we were told not to.  …

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Life Lessons

Thank You Obadiah

I have a Facebook friend, Obadiah, who posted this cartoon a few days ago.  It’s a visual representation of how people handle problems.  Two men, stuck in the same position, take two different paths.  One sits and ponders his misfortune, while the other tries something new, working to improve his lot in life.  It reminded …

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Current Events

Going Commando

The true origin of the phrase “going commando” is unknown. Some say it’s a reference to a commandos’ reputation for action and toughness rather than any specific practice.  I’ve always believed the saying references the habit of not wearing underwear.  I’ve never been a practitioner, but I know of those who have.  Ruth rolled that …

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In Her Own Words

One Liners

I’ve run across a few journals that Ruth kept. Many offered up a daily question and she responded.  They provide a glimpse of what she was thinking at the time.  None of the journals are complete.  They’re a collection of random thoughts and I’ve decided to share a few. January 1, 2015 “What is your …

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Last Tuesday

Last Tuesday was Valentine’s Day.  I let it pass without a lot of fanfare.  When you lose your Valentine, there’s no real cause for celebration.  Rememberances yes, celebration no. The big thing for me regarding Valentine’s Day is that was the day of Ruth and my first date.  We attended a Plainwell Junior High School …

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The first time I saw my father cry was December of 1955.  Our family had been out Christmas shopping and visiting Santa Claus. We’d just walked in the door when Dad headed to the hallway.  I didn’t hear the phone ring, but Dad came back through the living room after a short phone conversation and …

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Spaghetti and Applesauce

Ruth was a waste not want not type girl.  She saved a lot of things and wasted few.  She repurposed objects and made the old new.  She had a knack for it.  We visited hundreds of craft shows and more often than not, she said, “I can make that.”  Sometimes she did.  Sometimes she didn’t. …

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Life Lessons

Safety First

When my grandson, Brady, was old enough to comprehend simple conversations, we stressed the concept of “safety first”.  You know the drill, look both ways before crossing the street, always hold hands, watch the red, yellow, green lights, wear a life jacket near the water, don’t go with strangers, and on and on.  There are …

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