Life Lessons

Errors in Judgement

Since Ruth’s passing, I’ve exercised several errors in judgement.  Most are simple tasks run amuck by my failure to think things through.  When she was around, we shared daily conversations about life.   We discussed our plans for the future, travel, thoughts on the kids and grandkids, current events, politics, and personal economics.  We set one …

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Life Lessons

Celebration of Life

We held a Celebration of Life for Ruth yesterday in Florida.  We’ll hold a second in Michigan in June.  Each member of our family had something to say, but we knew the words would catch in our throats, so we produced a video to share with the attendees.  We recorded our words and added several …

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Two Bobs

Thanksgiving weekend, Michael, Sutton and I golfed at a course we’ve played dozens of times on our trips to the Coachella Valley.  Each time we played there was a “starter” named Bob to welcome us and send us out on the course.  We first played the course about fifteen years ago.  Bob has worked there …

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In Her Own Words

This Passage

I ran across this passage Ruth had written years ago.  I recall Sara being one of Ruth’s high school friends.  We never met, or if we did, I’ve forgotten, because I haven’t heard her name in several decades. One of my favorite memories of being with Sara was sparked by the mention of a VW. …

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51 Years and Sixteen Days

The last few weeks have been tough.  As I make my list of things, I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, they take on a different vibe.  Losing Ruth is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with.  There are no manuals on how to handle grief.  You deal with each moment, not each day.  They’re all different. …

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