Career lessons

More About David

David didn’t like school and did his best to do nothing. He wasn’t particularly gifted, but he showed signs of progress from time to time. I never let him just coast, so sometimes we didn’t get along. He wanted to do as little as possible and just get through the day. On one particularly challenging …

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Career lessons


When I was teaching middle school, we taught in four person teams. There were four certified instructors representing one of four disciplines: math, science, social studies, and language arts. While I had a double major in the social sciences and English, I taught language arts for seven of my eight teaching years. I taught seventh …

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A Priceless Gift

Last week, as we were preparing to head north for the summer, Ruth ran across an old Mother’s Day gift from David.  He gave it to her when he was in elementary school.  It’s a coupon book she’s never used.  She brought it north, hoping to redeem a coupon or two.  They read as follows: …

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Life Lessons

Senior Pranks

I’m not sure who came up with the idea of senior pranks, but I’m not a fan.  As a former school superintendent, I never thought they were funny, and some were expensive to handle. The common explanation students offer up to justify their “pranks” at the end of their senior year is “we’re just having …

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This Father’s Day

Yes, I know we just celebrated Mother’s Day.  I truly hope every mother enjoyed their special day.  Heaven knows they deserve all their accolades.  It’s a difficult task.  Once a mother, always a mother.  The same holds true for fathers.  That’s why I already know what I’m buying David for Father’s Day.  A baseball bat. …

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Current Events

If You Don’t Know, It’s You

I’ve always believed if you don’t know who’s the worst player on your team – any team – it’s you.  I played in a thirty-six hole four-man scramble over two days this week and felt that way more than once.  Turns out I wasn’t. It’s not a stretch to call The Villages, Florida the golf …

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