
Bronze Baby Shoes

Bronzing baby shoes has been a tradition for over 75 years.  Mine are a fine example.  Mom had them bronzed, took me to a professional photographer, and assembled a small shrine in my honor. I think she did the same for my sister, Sharron, but I have no recollection of my youngest sister, Jackie, having …

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Life Lessons

Lead Foot

I was speaking with Brady during his recent Florida visit, and he told me he received his first speeding ticket.  He’s been driving on his own since June and has his own “ride”.  After driving with him when he was still “learning” I’m not surprised.  He had a lead foot back then. He has to …

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Random Thoughts


When I was in elementary school, I had a dream that kept repeating itself.  I was walking to school and halfway down the block, when I looked down, I wasn’t wearing any pants.  I was running late so going back home wasn’t an option.  Arriving pantless was preferred to being tardy. In another version, I …

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This Year’s Christmas Card

The first time I recall sending Christmas cards was my freshman year of college.  It seemed to be the mature thing to do, so I did it.  I picked out a masculine fireplace scene and sent them to several relatives.  The next year I sent out the remaining cards.  If you received yours, you’re welcome.  …

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Childhood Memories

Great Friends and Good Times

When I was growing up, we stood on the front porch of the friend we wished to see and yelled his name repeatedly. If no one answered, we’d walk to the side door. The quickest responses usually came from the front. Bill Graham lived across the street. His call went something like this. Billeeee! Billeeee! …

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