Life Lessons

Blog 423

When I started writing this blog in the fall of 2017, I didn’t know how many stories I’d recall. I had a few I wanted to tell right away because they were important to me, while others were simply crumbs rolling around in my brain. I’ve learned some come in great floods, like poured cereal …

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The Big Rock

A little over a year ago, we moved into our new condo and out of our home of forty-three years.  I took some pictures on my phone of those last and first days.  They’ve popped up from Google photos reminding me of what we’ve gained and what we’ve left behind.  I have no regrets about …

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Life Lessons

Ring Tones

The first phone my family had growing up was a party line.  We shared the number LIncoln – 32062 with another family I never met but briefly spoke to from time to time.  I didn’t answer the telephone very often, but when I did, it was sometimes for the “other party”.  I might hear them …

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Life Lessons

The Five Second Rule

The five-second rule is a food hygiene myth that states a defined time window where it is safe to pick up food after it has been dropped and thus exposed to contamination.  There appears to be no scientific consensus on the general applicability of the rule. I’ve been a proponent of the five second rule …

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Life Lessons

58 Years Later

Fifty-eight years have passed since John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  I was just a teen during his time as President but the things I remember most about him are: He was the first Catholic elected as President.  It was thought by many that Pope John XXXIII would have a say in American politics and policies.  …

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Life Lessons


I was sixteen, and a junior in high school, the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Mr. Hirsh was delivering his chemistry lecture when my former biology teacher, Mr. P,  came in and whispered in his ear.  Mr. Hirsh looked at us and said, “President Kennedy has been shot.”   We didn’t speak.  We just looked …

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Career lessons


We had a half day of school that day, so as soon as the students departed, the staff got together one last time for lunch.  I spoke about my family’s plans, cried a bit, and ended the day with a challenge. We’d been a staff of risk takers.  We were innovators.  We mainstreamed special needs …

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Career lessons

Changing of the Guard

Thirty years ago this week I left my job as elementary school principal in Addison to become the Superintendent of Britton-Macon Area Schools. I started on Monday, November 4, 1991, the first day of the second nine week marking period.  I had been interviewed through-out the prior three months, received an offer, and gave my …

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