Life Lessons

Hey Little Girl

It’s not what you think. “Hey little girl” is not a pick up line. The first time I uttered the phrase was for Liz Lane when she was three or four years old. Our families were staying in Myrtle Beach. She’s the youngest child of our friends, Rick and Jan and one of the youngest …

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Life Lessons

Are You Sure?

I played golf with some new friends earlier this week. I’ve joined a drop-in league. The name comes from the fact you play whatever week you wish without the commitment of a weekly match. It’s a nice format for the summer. You play against a single opponent whose handicap is similar to yours. Mine is …

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People who use their right and left hands equally well are known as being ambidextrous.  They are extremely rare.  Approximately ten percent of the population is left-handed, like Ruth and my grandson, Brady.  Only one percent is truly ambidextrous.  My granddaughter, Eva, may be a member of the one percent.  I’ve seen her bat and …

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Life Lessons

Go with the Flow

I try to look at life like the shower guy in this cartoon. If things aren’t going my way, I make adjustments. I know people who focus on the negative and, what seems like, their never ending woes. That’s a bummer. Life is full of obstacles. I believe we’re better off when we focus on …

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Life Lessons

The Stain

Several years ago, when our three children and their spouses were celebrating somebody’s something somewhere, one of them allowed themselves to be “over-served”. As a result his, or her, behavior changed. The resulting misbehavior was cause for some concern. The “over-served” individual was singled out and told they were a “stain on the family crest”. …

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Worth the Risk

Ruth and I will be celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary with our family over Labor Day week-end. If you’re an avid reader, you know we eloped to Las Vegas on September 11, 1971. We’ve rented a home in Boyne City on Lake Charlevoix. It sleeps twenty-two. Our three kids and their families will be with …

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Career lessons


I retired from what I call my “real job” in January of 2008. I taught for eight years, was an elementary school principal for fifteen, and spent my last sixteen years as a school superintendent. I’ve had a contract with the Michigan Works system since then. During my tenure with Michigan Works, I’ve worked with …

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