Life Lessons

Old(er) Friends

During the pandemic, Ruth and I, like most, hunkered down and watched more TV than usual. We limited our viewing, as best we could, to a couple hours each evening. We like different things, so finding a happy medium was sometimes a challenge. I gave up most shoot-em-up, action flicks, and she didn’t insist I …

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Random Thoughts

Rose One

I met my first Rose thirty years ago. She asked directions to the nearest store that would have a leaf blower. It was Saturday evening, so I directed her to the only place I knew would be open, Meijer in Jackson. Since that exchange, we’ve averaged one conversation per year, but that’s been plenty. For …

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Random Thoughts

Two Roses

Rose is a perfectly good name, but I’ve found that it’s rare. I’ve known dozens of Lindas, Sues, Carols, Kathys and Dianes. In elementary school I met a Rosalie. We graduated from high school together. One of my college roommates, Gary, had a sister, Rosemary. I stood up with her in his wedding. In all …

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Life Lessons

Our File Cabinet

I was talking with a friend of over forty years the other day.  He asked if I was having any problems remembering things. He shared he was having issues and wondered if I was experiencing anything similar.  I told him, “I have some problems with my nouns.  I sometime forget the names of things.  My …

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Life Lessons

The Kid

I’ve played poker with a group from Lake LeAnn since 1977.  Bammer and I are the lone original members.  The group has played every two weeks since its inception.  We’ve had guys move away, get jobs that required them to work evenings, and a couple “just quit”.  A few substitutes became regulars.  A couple guys dropped …

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Current Events

Settling In

Our unpacking is moving along quite nicely.  Our sixty plus boxes are down to a manageable dozen.  The contents of most will be housed in Ruth’s new craft area.  Final arrangements for the installation of our craft room cabinetry takes place tomorrow. We ordered four new chairs last October.  Two go in the family room …

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