Life Lessons


I received a book in March of 2005 from my daughter, Elizabeth.  Courage was written by Bernard Waber.  It’s a picture book which explains there are all types of courage.  She received a copy from the vice-president of the company she was working for at the time.  During a presentation to his employees, he asked …

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Dear Kate,

Young Jackson James is only forty-two days old, but he’s already made quite an impact.  If his arrival was anything like David, Elizabeth, and Michael’s, you understand the meaning of love at first sight like no other time in your life.  He wasn’t here a moment ago, and now he is.  Your life has changed …

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Current Events

Change of Address

We started the process of changing our address before we made the drive north from Florida to Standwood, Michigan.  I contacted our credit card companies, updated our magazine subscriptions, and filed the appropriate documents with the United States Postal Service.  Everything went surprisingly well.  We had several pieces of mail when we arrived. I received …

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Life Lessons

Words With Friends

I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas about ten years ago.  Its proven to be a great gift.  I enjoy downloading books and movies.  I watch most of the movies while flying with airlines that offer no such option.  It’s a good way to pass the time.  Ruth doesn’t care for adventure films with a …

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Current Events

Permanent Vacation

By the time you read this Ruth and I will be heading to our new condo in Stanwood, Michigan.  It’s part of the golf resort known as Tullymore.  We relocated prior to heading south to The Villages last November.  Everything is moved into the condo, but there is loads of unpacking to do.  I’d estimate …

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Life Lessons

Suitable Accommodations

When it comes to travel, Ruth and I are planners.  We typically have at least two trips scheduled and add another at the conclusion of the first.  We know where we’re headed and where we plan to stay.  We book in advance and leave nothing to chance.  We have our preferred hotel chain and book …

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Life Lessons

Jackson James

When Ruth and I decided on names for our three kids, we wanted strong names we’d like both as their formal name and potential abbreviated version.  David might become Dave, Elizabeth – Liz,  and Michael – Mike.  We both defer to the more formal David, Elizabeth, and Michael.  That’s how I plan to roll with …

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Current Events


It’s Ruth’s 74th birthday today.  We get to spend it with our “California kids” and our newest grandson, Jackson James.  On our trip west we lied to the TSA personnel in Orlando.  I overheard one of the agents explain to a customer that travelers 75 and older aren’t required to remove their shoes.  I whispered …

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