Life Lessons

A Fable – Rozlyn Heart

I met Rozlyn Heart at the Beach Bar on Clark Lake.  She was our server.  It was about this time twenty years ago.  She introduced herself as Lindsay, and I remember thinking, “This is a girl David would like.”  She had a look I knew he’d fall for.  She was more than cute and just …

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Bulletin!!! Just in – Breaking News!!!

If you were expecting to read the final chapter of my fable about Rozlyn Heart this morning, you may be disappointed. If you were watching TV right now, exciting news would be scrolling across the bottom of your screen.  If you were listening to your radio, the broadcast would be interrupted with “Breaking News!”.  As …

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Life Lessons

A Fable? Continued

Ruth and Kate were close knit sisters, born two years apart.  I called Kate, Mom, and her dancing partner was my Aunt Ruth.  Ruth married Harry near the beginning of World War II, and Kate married Tony at the end.  Harry and Tony were best friends.  Marriage brought children, and children brought new responsibilities.   The …

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Current Events

Coronavirus Review

It’s been a year since I first watched President Trump and Dr. Fauci speak about the “fifteen days to flattened the coronavirus curve”.    I watched the live briefing every day.  Ten days later they extended the shutdown for another fifteen.  I was about four weeks out from knee replacement surgery, so my out and …

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Forty-Four Years

When Ruth and I started talking about having children, she wanted two and I wanted three.  Biology determined our final count.  We’re both happy how things worked out.   We were four and a half years into being married before David was born.  Two years later, Elizabeth Kathryn made her appearance on March 10, 1977.  Ruth’s …

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Current Events

Canceling Our Culture

I looked up the definition of “woke” online. This is what I found. Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice.  If it also means we need to correct everything some think needs correcting, I’m not woke.  I don’t support the rebranding of  Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix …

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