Life Lessons

Worn Out Parts

As we age, our body breaks down a bit.  I’ve got two titanium knees and arthritis in my left shoulder.  Ruth has atrial fibrillation and a bad back.  One of our friends had heart surgery a couple of years ago and his gallbladder removed this winter.  I’ve got another friend who had the liquid in …

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Life Lessons

Old Photos II

The meeting began about ten minutes following my reunion with Ron.  I’d never been to a review before, so I didn’t know what to expect.  There were about fifteen members on the board representing all sorts of agencies: fire safety, hospitals, senior centers, schools, etc.  Ron sat in the center of the u-shaped panel.  The …

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Current Events

The Front of the Line

Ruth and I are looking forward to going to California when Magnus Strongbeard is born.  He’s due the end of March.  We need to have the Covid-19 vaccine so we can safely make the trip.  We received our first dose on Monday. We spoke to Michael and Kate over the week-end.  Things are moving forward …

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Life Lessons

The Takeaways

I was raised in a simpler time.  Things didn’t move as fast as they do today.  I think the old way may have been better. My first teachers were my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my parent’s friends.  They provided lessons no matter their intention.  As children, we tend to follow the lead of …

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Life Lessons

More Lessons

The women in my life started with my mom.  I guess that’s true for most, but I know not all.  If we’ve known our mothers we’re very lucky. Many of my mother’s lessons were unintentional.  For example, she taught me dancing was fun.  I could see how much she enjoyed it when she danced with …

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Life Lessons

Learn Something New

Last year Ruth and I bought a new dining room set for our home in Florida.  I even wrote a blog about the purchase. Our tables have been the centerpiece of wonderful conversations over our years together.  When we returned this year Ruth noticed  “the leg on your chair is wobbly”. She called the furniture …

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Life Lessons

Like You Mean It

There’s a saying… hindsight is 20/20. The expression comes from the way people describe good vision. A person with normal, good vision has 20/20 sight. Hindsight is an understanding of a past event.  Looking back makes things look clearer.   I don’t know who coined the phrase, but its been around as long as I can …

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Christmas 2021

We just finished Christmas 2020, and I’m already looking forward to Christmas 2021. In spite of all the turmoil, I’ve enjoyed this crazy season.  David and his family were here for a few days, and Ruth cooked Christmas dinner for three Michigan friends whose families are up north while we reside in Florida.  Everyone is …

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