Life Lessons

Electronic Christmases

Back in the day electronic Christmases simply meant, “Don’t forget to buy the batteries!”  When I received my remote control car it had a couple of wires attached to it which required four c-cell batteries to supply the power.  I was about nine at the time.  Luckily, Mom remembered to make the purchase.  They powered …

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A Christmas Miracle

Back in the day Elizabeth wrapped all my Christmas presents.  This was after Santa Claus and pre-Sutton.  She like doing it, and I appreciated her completing a task  I wasn’t  very good at.  I was ten thumbs and she was precision.  It was a perfect match.  The first couple of years after her move to …

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Christmas Cards

When I graduated from college in 1969 I decided it was time to send my own Christmas cards. It sounded like a grown-up thing to do. I bought something manly.  I avoided cards that featured poinsettias or Christmas trees.  No pictures of wrapped packages, Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or mistletoe …

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Life Lessons

Insider Trading

Disclaimer:  The following, like all of my stories, is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  I have changed the names to protect the innocent. If you don’t heed my warning, you have only yourself to blame. A couple dozen years ago a good friend’s son, “Lynn”, graduated from Georgetown Law School.  …

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Bouquets and Garter Belts

My mom and dad’s seventy-fifth wedding anniversary was yesterday.  I expect they danced in heaven, and after they danced they probably played cards with my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Harry.  There was undoubtedly a big dinner (Dad would have insisted.)  with the whole extended family to celebrate this diamond jubilee.  And after that they – …

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Current Events

Making a Difference

I’ve been involved in education since I was five. I started as a kindergarten student at Royal Oak’s Whittier Elementary, moved through the Royal Oak system, earned a Bachelors Degree from Western Michigan, Masters from Eastern, Specialist from MSU, and worked with several colleges and universities through my “retired” work for the past thirteen years …

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Current Events

The Reset Button

Don’t you just hate it when things don’t work as planned?  Life runs more smoothly when they do.  When we arrived in Florida we soon discovered our water softening system didn’t work.  The water here is not as pure as Michigan’s, so we’ve found a whole house water purifier is required.  Once we installed the …

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Current Events


Ruth and I made the trip from Michigan to Florida and arrived safely on Thanksgiving afternoon.  While skipping the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings, we opted for two whoppers at Burger King.  They were running a special.  About an hour prior to our departure from our new condo, it started to snow.  I …

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Thanksgiving 1941

The United States entered World War II after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  My dad was already in the service having enlisted on January 21. He planned to be discharged after one year of service in January of 1942.  The declaration of war altered his plans. Dad was assigned to Fort …

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